Why are football fans losing interest in Sarawak FA?

By April 8, 2019

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Photo Credit: Sarawak FA

There is no question that Sarawak FA is undergoing slowdown in fan support since 2017. 

The negative trend began after its former president Datu Sudarsono decided to not re-contest his post as president of the Football Association of Sarawak, leaving the association leaderless for a couple of months before Posa Majeis stepped in as the new president.

But Posa’s presence in the association has not changed the dwindle in support as figures show that less are excited about Sarawak football these days.

Since 2017, the Football Association of Sarawak had worked hard to regain the lost support, but every effort they try seems to be futile with fans still moving away from the once well supported football team.

Today, I decided to investigate why support for Sarawak FA has been going downhill, and here’s the top three main reasons which I found:

Too much drama
Dramas off fields have tainted Sarawak FA way too much since 2017. While many of us love to watch drama and scandals on TV shows, having too much of it can cause a negative impact. This is what Sarawak FA is experiencing with countless scandals erupting making fans fed up of the whole unending scandals involving FAS and Sarawak FA.

Poor public relations
Sarawak has not been handling their presence in the eye of the public that well since 2017. Careless statements and announcements had been made with some being proven wrong hence why fans are slowly getting fed up with the team.

Unfavorable results
This is probably the top reason why many fans are starting to shy away from the team. Results on the pitch have not been favourable with Sarawak now sitting at the bottom end of the table, winless for the past 5 recent matches.

Also Read:

Sabahans that made their mark with Sarawak FA

5 West Malaysians that made an impact with Sarawak FA

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This article is brought to us by our Sports Writers Club resident columnist – Cyril Dason.